Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Insert Funny Title Here

I shaved my head today. I was tired of the one hundred or so little stubbles that stubbornly refused to leave my scalp, so I threw caution to the winds and used DH's 4-bladed wonder to shave it smooth. Now I just keep rubbing my nice smooth head....

Nothing especially funny or cancer/chemo-related happened yesterday. The girls went to VBS, chauffeured by Lori the Wonderful, who also fed them and brought them home around 1. I was busy a) tidying the house so the house cleaner could clean, and b) finishing re-writing the VBS scripts for Thursday and Friday. The VBS curriculum includes little 4-minute sketches to be performed at the beginning of the day in front of all the kids in the Worship Center. The problem is, they tend to not be as funny as they could be, IMHO. So the teenage drama team at church always asks me to re-write them.

Me: Did you see a little play this morning?
DD1: Yes.
Me: I wrote that.
DD1: About the kid who got the new softball mitt?
Me: Yes.
DD1: Tell me what's going to happen tomorrow!

She was duly impressed. This was the first time she'd seen a play that I wrote.
I write funny little articles for our subdivision's newsletter, and I was writing a couple on Saturday (One on Men and Clutter, and the other on Swim Meets). When I got done, she wanted to write something, too.
Here's what she came up with:

The Garden
by DD1

Once there was a good family!
They lived in a MAGIC garden.
Their names were Rose, Daizy, Lilly, Snapdragon! There was 100000% of pollen.

The end.

Dinner yesterday was provided by Candito the Magnificent. It was food from La Madeleine, since Candito moved to Atlanta about six years ago. Their spinach salad is now my favorite thing on the menu. I ate lunch late, so I wasn't really hungry when the food arrived. I ate 1/3 of the salad. Then an hour later, I ate another third. Ate the final 1/3 around 11 pm, sopping up the vinaigrette with a bit of baguette....

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