Thursday, April 5, 2007

Busy, Busy Angel

DH and I went wig shopping today. He found a trash can half full of my hair this morning, 'cause I keep pulling it out, so he decided to take a vacation day and go wig shopping with me.

First shop I went to, lady was a talker. We were there for an hour, and I only tried on 4 wigs.
As you may have suspected, I have a Big Head. This apparently drastically lowers the number of wigs available to me. To like, three. None of which I liked. One of them made me look like Louise Mandrell. The others, like Sandy Duncan or Reba. Bleuagh. Now, I can apparently have an average size wig made into a large wig for $100 extra. Plus it takes 8-9 weeks. So, no thanks.
Bought a cheapie one at the second wig place we visited to wear to church on Sunday. Third place had 1 I kind of liked, but it was$129, and I didn't want to spend that much on something I just kind of liked.
I hope to go on Monday with my friend Mindy to the other 4 shops I didn't get to today.

The hair continues to fall out, so when DD1 came home, I put a chair out in the front lawn, handed her a pair of scissors, and told her to go to town. So she cut my hair while DD2 took pictures. DD2 got to cut a little bit, too, but then she wanted to go back inside and watch TV.
I'll go get it shaved tomorrow...


becky marshall said...

God surely has favor on someone who can make cancer hair loss so much fun! Your kids are blessed to have a cool mom like you who can hand them the sissors.

Anonymous said...

The side actually looks really cute. Maybe a future hairdresser there! Miss Shapen