Friday, April 20, 2007


Had it been a "Normal day", here's what i was scheduled for:
meeting at the Y with my trainer
read story to DD2's class
watch DD2's class in their trikeathon
help out at DD1's field trip

I didn't do any of that. Didn't feel up to it.

I went to a seminar at MD Anderson. My friend Audrey drove. Good thing, because MDA is big ole honkin place, inside and out. I got tuckered out the first few minutes of being there.
After the seminar, where I got a free wig that makes me feel like Jennifer Garner in "Alias", we headed back home.
Then I found out that I had accidentally asked two separate people to pick DD2 up at school. Whoops! chemo brain has started already! So, had to get that straightened out.
Then rested the rest of the day.
Food Consumption for Today:
1/2 a hot chocolate from a local coffee shop
1/2 a smoothie from Smoothie King
a croissant
3/4 of a turkey and cheese sandwich

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