Monday, April 30, 2007


If you don't want to read graphic details of my chemo SEs found below, may I suggest the very fine political commentary of my friend Mr. Lightbulb.

You have been warned.

Can I just tell you the diarrhea has stopped, which, Praise GOD, but everything else has stopped, too? for like, 3 or 4 days now? And I didn't even take an Immodium or anything.

So, on the one hand, it's nice not to have the big D anymore, but on the other hand, i'm still eating on a regular'm kind of wondering when things are going to start moving....'cause that traffic jam can't last forever.....


Mr. Light Bulb said...

Cool, a commercial for my blog. And in conjunction with such a . . . lovely subject.

Hey! Is there a subliminal message here?


Danielle said...

I don't mind the graphic descriptions of bodily functions, but I checked out Mr Light Bulb anyway, just out of curiosity. Not sure how illuminating I find him - making up mean nicknames, like "Her Vileness," for everyone you disagree with contributes little to our civic debate.

Anonymous said...

Danielle, I have echoed that thought to my brother, Mr. BlightBlog, on several occasions. He will not change his mind, using reasons like “They said worse”. It just seems so childish to me, but what’s a brother to do? ChemoGirl, will keep praying for you. May the Lord turn red lights green, and fix your traffic jam.
