Monday, April 30, 2007


busy day today, till about 3:15 when DD2 and I got home. the only thing of note -- i went to the optician to order another pair of glasses, as I have lost mine and I need glasses for when my eyes are dry -- the optician lady said the frames i picked out were "1/2 millimeter away from being perfect". i'm not exactly sure what that means -- but hey! compliment! i'll take it! she also said i did such a good job picking out frames, i should work there....

oh, funny thing i forgot to mention from last week.
i'm at the eye dr, and the little gal is going over the form i filled out where u have to check off whether u or a family member has had this disease or that. keep in mind, i am not wearing a wig. i am wearing a hat, and you can tell there's no hair under the hat.

little gal: (looking down at form) So, someone in your family has had cancer?
me: yes.
LG: who is it?
me: uh, me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that your clerks down there appear to be as perceptive as the ones up here are...

Take care... itwt72