Saturday, April 28, 2007

The First Official Chemo Moment

I was fixing to take a shower, and the cats were complaining that they were thirsty, so i plugged the sink, and let the water run, AND THEN TURNED AND WENT IN THE SHOWER STALL TO TAKE MY SHOWER. yes, completely forgot to turn the water in the sink off.
Luckily, a) i take really short showers these days, as i don't need to shave, shampoo, or condition anything.
and b) we have tile in the bathroom now, so no wet carpet to deal with.
sigh. can't blame in on being a blonde. gotta blame it on the chemo.


Rosebud said...

Don't think I'll take a pic in the tub but I'm sure there might be somewhere I can. I just have to get up the nerve..LOVE those bubbles....

Anonymous said...

So what's MY excuse when I do stupid stuff like that? :) By the way, the new picture you've got posted sans hair...Only you could pull off making even that "fashion choice" look so good on you. You go, girl. :)