Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Joys of a Normal Day

Today wasn't quite a normal Sunday. DH didn't want me exposed to the germs at church, and his stomach was upset, so no one went to church today.
I took a nap mid-morning, but after that, I really felt pretty good. The girls rode their bikes around the retention pond, while I walked. (!) First physical exercise post-tx.
Then DD1 had a bday party at Chuck E Cheese, so I took the girls there, and gave DD2 some tokens of her own so she could play, too. I sat and read and ate 2 platefuls of salad while they played. I basically have eaten nothing but simple carbs for a week, as that was all that sounded good, so my body was like, "Yo, get me some veggies, man."
Then, after Chuck E Cheese (AKA Chaos On Earth), we went to Penney's as they were having a sale and got the girls some summer clothes. I looked at dresses for me, found 2 I liked, but one showed the scar where my port is, and the other had elastic under the bodice. That is the kind of dress that will make well-meaning people far and wide say, "When is your baby due?" Sigh.
So I hope this week will be a pretty normal week for me, and I can get some stuff done, like put away the fall/winter clothes, and wash all the spring/summer ones.
It feels good to feel good again.

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