Monday, April 9, 2007

Happy Resurrection Day!

Went to church this morning. Music was awesome. All the lyrics meant so much to me. We started off with "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today" and it has lyrics like, "where o death is now thy sting?" and I just started crying.
Not that I'm dying, prognosis is good, blablabla, but any time you have cancer, you face the fact of your own mortality. And I am so grateful that I know where I'm going if I do die -- straight in the arms of Jesus.
I'm too lazy to get up and get the camera and download the pics of me and DDs before church, but I will -- y'all can see my $30 hair.....
My oldest friend Michelle -- we've know each other since we were in 7th grade -- a LONG time ao -- sent me some hats in the mail, so of course I had to wear one to church! I wore long sleeves, since our little cold spell continues. The DDS insisted on wearing summer dresses, so I made them wear sweaters over them, and coats over that.
After church, we went to a friend's house, who opened her house up to hordes of people. Brave woman. We had Easter dinner, and then the kids had an egg hunt in the back yard, complete with Prize Eggs. It was awesome.
Then we came home, and I basically rested for the rest of the day. Fell asleep about nine, and DD1 just woke me up because DD2 was crying because one of her prizes from the egg hunt had fallen between the bed and the wall....


Mindy said...

AS I said on the phone you are one of those ladies like Jessica Tandy that will always look beautiful no matter what you do or how old you get. And lil sister we are going to grow very old and do plays together...playing lil old ladies. Why? Because you are going to write us some FABULOUS and FUNNY plays about lil old biddies like us! BTW I was right, you make bald look sexy! I love you. Mindy

Jacqniel said...

It sounds like you had a lovely day. I, too, fought tears during our Easter service. So many meaningful moments.
You look great bald by the way! Jacque