Wednesday, July 4, 2007

the 4th

Woke up, and my tshirt was wet with sweat. Nice.
We went to eat breakfast at IHOP, where the guy two booths over very nicely talked loudly enough so that we were able to quite easily enjoy his side of the conversation.
Went to Hobby Lobby afterward for some scrapbooking stickers. All their stickers were 50% off, so I bought a ton.
This evening we went to Robin's house for supper. We kind of called her up and invited ourselves over, as her daughter Katie is DD1's BFF, and she has a big back yard. Robin has the kind of house that, if House Beautiful called her up for a photo shoot, she could say, "Okay, come right on over." Just beautifully decorated. And tidy. Very tidy. I don't know where she keeps her clutter cuz I sure didn't see any. We all know that if House Beautiful were to call me up for a photo shoot of my house, I would just laugh and hang up.
We brought baked beans and devilled eggs over to Robin's. Mike made 36 devilled eggs, and they were all gone by the time we left. People love devilled eggs. They will be featured prominently at the Post Chemo Pool Party. The Rose family was there, and another family -- Robin's neighbors. They're Indian and had brought Indian onion rings. Very tasty.
Anyway, the kids got to wave some sparklers around, so they were happy. DD1 left at 8:30 with Katie's dad to go watch fireworks at the race track, and DH, DD2 and I got ice cream and went home. DH and DD2 sat outside and watched the neighbors set off fireworks. The skeeters love me, so I stayed inside and scrapbooked.
DD1 got home at 11, and insisted she was Not Tired. Fine, said I, but just put your pajamas on and brush your teeth so you're all ready for when you do get tired. She conked out about 10 minutes ago.
My feet are swollen again, so I'm going to take a Lasix and go to bed.

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