Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Was really tired today. Tidied the kitchen, then went to Macy's to get some new juice glasses, Costco to price party trays, and Sweet Tomatoes for lunch. That was it.
Otherwise, justed rested. Scrapbooked a little.
Nancy Vincent brought over a tater tot casserole, a salad, some jello, foccacia bread, and some cake. I got out some extra virgin olive oil and added some dipping spices for the foccacia bread, which I'd warmed in the oven. DD1 really liked it -- tore off 5 or 6 pieces of bread to dip in the oil. I found out she does NOT like croutons -- she delicately picked them out of her salad before eating it....DD2 ate everything, no problem.
My feet are still swollen, and bathroom issues are raising their head, again, which is odd. I figured we'd be done with that SE by now.


Danielle said...

Maybe the gunk they pumped into you is still working it's way out - it probably takes awhile to get completely eliminated. Hang in there!

Jacqniel said...

Please visit my blog. There is something for you there.
Thank you for all you do to make my day brighter!