Thursday, July 19, 2007


Feeling slightly better today.
I was out this morning with Bella TPM when this really nice couple stopped their brisk walk to talk to me. They'd both had cancer, so they wanted to encourage me that it will get better. It was really nice, esp since I didn't know them from Adam.
Dropped the girls off at the Cannons' house, and then as i had ~1 hour to kill before my onc appt, I went to Office Max for school supplies for DD2. this was only partially successful, as they were all out of 24 count Crayola crayons, having had a sale on them for nice cents apiece. Plus, some of the things on the list -- ebony drawing pencil, storage box, etc. -- just not carried at Office Max, but i had a $5 off coupon, so i wanted to get at least some of the supplies there so i could Save Money.
Went to onc's ofc. Wait wasn't too bad, maybe 35 minutes. Uneventful. He basically said I need to exercise at least 6 hours a week from now on to prevent further reaccurnce. I need to schedule the BRCA test, which is a special genetic test to see if u carry the gene for ovarian cancer. I'm adopted, so my genetic background is a big black hole.
Went to Pancho's for lunch. Pancho's is a (surprise!) Mexican cafeteria chain, where you get your food from the cafeteria line, and then if you need more food later, you raise a little flag on your table, and a lady comes by and sees what you want and goes and gets it for you. The only thing I wanted from there was calabacitas, which is basically zucchini soup: water, zucchini, corn, tomatoess, and spices. I got other stuff on my plate, of course: beans and rice, beef and cabbage, an enchilada.
The tally at the end of the meal?
enchilada: one bite
beef and cabbage: one bite
beans: four bites
calabacitas: 3 separate helpings

I would venture to guess I was probably the only customer the lady'd ever had who ordered 3 helpings of calabacitas. It just tasted so good. I'm still in the soft food phase of past-chemo.
Of course, I had a sopapilla for dessert. Yum.
Went to Target afterward for the rest of the school supplies, and had to rush back to the bathroom TWICE while I was there. Guess that was my brisk walk for the day. And yes, the school supplies are in the opposite corner of the store from the bathroom. Handy!
And I still don't have all those dang school supplies. The school wants "1 small Sterilite plastic supply box (4 qt. size)". Target has an extensive Sterilite offering. Starting at the 6 quart size.
The school also wants "6 elmer's glue sticks (.77 oz.)" I couldn't find .77 oz size. Can I just buy 4.62 oz of random glue sticks and call it good?


Jacqniel said...

Pancho's! Brings back memories of the two years we lived in Tulsa. My hubby and sons LOVED that place!

Anonymous said...

I've been going through this thing lately where I'll have a conversation about some random cultural thing with someone, and the next day see a web posting or newspaper article about that exact thing. And it's been getting pretty freaky.

I swear, just yesterday I was trying to explain the concept of Panchos to some coworkers. They did NOT get it. (I was explaining it in the context of hoping my bosses would like the idea of getting flags to raise to let me know if they want to take a call or have it put into voicemail.)

Too funny.

Robin said...

You're adopted? I had no idea. I guess that doesn't come up in normal conversation often.

Danielle said...

What is with the school supplies - why are they so particular? I would think a glue stick is a glue stick - if it does the job, who cares about the size? Parents shouldn't have to go to three different stores to get their kids' stuff. Maybe suggest to the teacher that they note on the list *where* these particular items can be found.