Friday, July 6, 2007


Some of you may not know that I am a Harry Potter freak. I've read all the books multiple times, I have all the movies, which I watch about every 6 months. I even have the first book on tape.
So, the new HP movie comes out Wednesday, the Day of My Last Chemo. And I am not willing to wait to go see it till after I start feeling better from the last chemo. So the choice was between seeing the midnight showing at 12:01 am Wednesday, or the 10:00 am showing. I emailed Dragana, my Official Chemo Chauffeur, and she said she would go to the midnight showing with me, and then we would show up early for chemo the next day, so that she would have time to make it to her surgery at 3. Can you believe that? She's having surgery, and she still wants to drive me to chemo! AND go to a midnight movie the night before! What a woman! All this and a great cook, too!

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