Saturday, July 28, 2007


I really am a rebel. During my pre-op conversation with the nurse at the surgery center on Wednesday, she told me:
1. No makeup
2. No jewelry
3. No contacts
4. No eating after midnight

What? How am I supposed to look fabulous without makeup, jewelry, or contacts? That's a sight I usually reserve only for my immediate family, because they have to love me no matter what I look like. Plus, someone tell me what difference it's going to make if my eyelashes are 1/8" long or 1/4" long.
And, my surgery was (supposed to be) at 10:00. (It ended up being at 11:20.) It was originally to be on the 3rd at 7:00 a.m. And you know they would have told me no eating after midnight for the 7:00 time, too. So, really, I had until 3 am to eat or drink. I had some sugarfree chocolate milk at half past midnight and felt like a big ole rebel.
And I wore mascara and lip gloss to the surgery center, ditto.