Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. Nothing interesting or funny has happened.
Sunday: church, then we went to a salad bar place, as the bible story for DD2 was the story of how Daniel ate water and "vegebals" (this is how DD2 pronounces it) and was healthier than the other kids. Came home and quickly took off my $13 Payless kitten heels as they were killing my feet. Not only because my feet look like puffy flesh-colored pillows these days, but as my friend Linda says, with shoes you get what you pay for. Went to a jewelry sample sale at Jill's house, where, I'm not kidding I found exactly what I was looking for. At 50% off!
Then we went to the pool and met Katie, DD1's BFF and her family there.
Monday, kids had a summer Mothers' Day Out thing. In the morning, I had to tidy so the housekeeper could clean. Then Linda picked me up in her snazzy new minivan and we went to ChickFila for lunch so her son could play while we chatted.
Came home with a sandwich for DH, as he'd stayed home with a migraine. Chatted with him for a while, then took Bella The Pooping Machine, picked up the girls, and went to the vet so Bella TPM could get her shots.
In the evening we met Katie and company at the pool and ordered pizza. Papa John's had a buy 3 mediums for $21, so we got cheese for DD2, Katie and Jake, BBQ for Robin and DD1, and a Terri Special for me. (pepperoni, sausage, onion and tomato).
Last night, DD1 fell asleep on the couch around 9 ish. She wakes up around 10, crying. Can't tell us why. OK. DH goes back to bed, and DD1 comes into my parlour so she can lie on the couch while I play that game on Webkinz.com. After about 5 minutes, she starts crying again. And I am not kidding when I tell you that over the next 30 minutes she starts crying 5 separate times for 5 separate reasons, including the fact that she wants me to have long hair again. I offer her a sop in the form of future hair extensions. This is Not Good Enough. Finally, DH comes in to see what her deal is, because she keeps waking him up. Then she starts crying because of his tone of voice.
For those of you without daughters, this is known as the I'm So Tired I'll Cry At The Drop of A Hat syndrome. So, we went into her bedroom and I lay beside her for a few minutes until I hear this little whisper, "Mommy, you can go now."
This morning, Bella TPM has pooped 4 times. Once outside.

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