Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Scary Part

OK, chemo has been sucky, by and large, (except for the support of all of you.)
Now the scary part begins.
Chemo was like this uncomfortable shield. Not pleasant to have around, but a protection nonetheless. Now it's gone.
Now, the trusting God part begins in earnest. Because even if I eat right and exercise every day for the rest of my life, nothing says the cancer won't come back one day.
So, pray that I can keep my eyes on Jesus and trust in His unfailing love for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, Terri this can be the scary part...I have been out of radiation for 9 mos. now...all in all 20 mos. out of diagnosis and the scariest part has not been chemo, hair loss or radiation. The trust thing is hard there are very good days and very bad days...but God is good all the time and you must hold that near and dear to your heart. When I am feeling down and not so strong...I remind myself that this path is not new there have been many women who have trudged it before me and so I walk down it with my head held high, if they can do it so can I.
God Bless,
Destini Shrout-Jordan
20 mos. out