Sunday, July 1, 2007


Couldn't sleep last night, probably because I had a small Coke at 8 pm, to try and get rid of all the gas in my stomach. I don't know the difference between heartburn and acid indigestion, but the one that means you have lots of burps that burn on the way up, that's the one I have.
And things still haven't started moving, constipationally speaking. All that to say why I didn't go to church today.
Saw part of a movie this afternoon with a friend. I didn't read the reviews first, though, and it was really raunchy, so we walked out. Everyone else in the theater seemed to enjoy it, but we didn't. There was couple there with their young daughter. Who takes a child to an R-rated movie?
Went to Michael's and spent my bday money from Mom on scrapbooking stuff: pens, stickers, stamp pads and a full size paper cutter.
Got home, ate supper, and then DD2 dropped the puppy on the sidewalk on purpose. In her defense, she may not have realized that dogs can't do that land-on-your-feet thing like cats can. Then DD1 colored the puppy with chalk to make her more colorful. So we had stereo wailing for a while. It was loud.
I got to give the puppy a bath. She smells like coconuts now.

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