Saturday, July 7, 2007


Took DD2 to the OT. The session lasted only half an hour, as United Healthcare has decided it's not going to pay for hourly sessions anymore. The copay is the same, but now it's for half an hour. $25 for 30 minutes. What a bargain!
Afterward, the girls and I went to Memorial City Mall for lunch and a few carousel rides, and then we went to look at school uniforms for DD2, who will be attending private school in the fall. DH called and asked us to pick him up downtown as he was ready to leave.
The area around the mall is under construction, and it was raining. Again. For the 400th day in a row. So it took a while to even get on to I10. And then once we got onto I10, traffic was ekeing along at about 20 mph. Not a fun drive. Plus, downtown makes me nervous with the one way streets and the pedestrians and the killer buses and its construction, which seems neverending.
Got home, ordered food from PeiWei, and scrapbooked the rest of the evening.
Except for playing a couple of games on Webkinz. Webkinz is this website that you access once you buy a Webkinz stuffed animal. The girls each have a few Webkinz, so every day I log on as one of them, and earn them some Webkinz cash so they can buy stuff for their online stuffed animal. I got up to level 9 on Quizzy's Word Challenge! It's like Boggle, only harder. Seriously. They want you to make a word out of 7 vowels, a couple of Ks, a J and a Q. Ha!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OK I must admit, I am a Webkinz fan that well as happy you are finally done with chemo...hope you have more energy tommorrow! Amy Christopher