Sunday, August 19, 2007

This Weekend... Tax Free Weekend, so DD1 and I dropped off DD2 at school, then went shopping for school clothes. We picked DD2 up at 11, and went to a birthday party (all of the kids going to public school around here don't start until 8/27), then did some more shopping. Got jeans and shoes, and we were done, except for panties and socks.
Had to special order school shoes for DD2, as she has her dad's feet -- extra wide.
Went to a hoohah at DD2's school Friday night. Pizza and lemonade, and lots and lots of speeches and announcements. The DDs were very bored, but determined to stay till the bitter end, as there was a 30' cookie cake awaiting.
Saturday, DH wanted to go shopping, so off we went again. We got the aforementioned pantied and socks at Target, but DH wanted to go to the mall. By the time we got home Saturday afternoon, all I wanted to do was lie down and watch TV and hopefully fall asleep, as my feet and back were sore.
Sunday, we went to church and to lunch, and Academy Sports Store for, as DH wanted to get some new tennis shoes.


Anonymous said...

Ah, "Blue and White Night" at the school-I remember them well! Doesn't sound like they have changed it up at all since we were there-well, except we never had the 30' long cookie cake...

Hope your little one has a great year there!

Leigh E.

Danielle said...

Sounds like you did an admirable job supporting the local economy and taking full advantage of not paying taxes!