Friday, August 31, 2007


did the dishes and tidied a bit, rads#4, went to Target for some concealer, as i have these dark circles under my eyes, and i didn't want Chris to think i was going to keel over at any minute. had lunch with Chris the Invincible. She and her fam went on vacation a few weeks ago, and while they were gone, her house was burgled in a big way.
The good news is, the police know who the burglars were, as said burglars have not been paying attention to CSI, and the importance of leaving no DNA or epithelials at the scene.
And Chris says, it's just stuff. She and her DH and DS are fine. They are visiting the pawn shops regularly for some family jewelry, tho. And the thieves took stupid stuff, like letter jackets from 20 years ago. Why?
Anyway. By a happy coincidence, the store 2 doors down from the tea shop was having a clearance sale, and i got some white Brighton shoes to replace the Payless ones that make my feet hurt, a pair of jeans, and a dress.
Picked up DD2, went to the bank, and to celebrate the fact that I had only had fruits and vegetables so far that day, had a coke and a hot apple pie at Popeye's.
Jamaican Jerk chicken from Super Suppers for supper. The girls each had thirds.

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