Thursday, August 16, 2007


Got up, took DD2 to school, from school to the Y to work out (where it had been so long since i'd been there, they'd deactivated my account where i keep track of the calories burned, etc.), from the Y to the surgeon's ofc, where DD1 and i waited ~45 minutes for a 5 min appt. from the dr's ofc to lunch, from lunch to the bowling alley where i dropped off DD1 so she could bowl with some friends from church. i went to see The Bourne Ultimatum. picked up DD1, and then picked up DD2. we then went to the new Christian book store to buy some Christian t-shirts for DD2. on Fridays at school, she can wear jeans and a Christian t-shirt. and we didn't have any, so i needed to buy some. while i was there, i bought Second Chapter of Acts' hymn compliation, and The Bible Experience -- an audio book of the New Testament with different African American actors voicing different parts. i listened to part of it on the way home. it's produced well -- much more interesting than listening to one guy say the whole thing.

whew! i still need to make a sugar cookie cake for DD2's school celebration tomorrow night.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Wow, she's back! That's quite a day. As a person of the Jewish persuasion, I have to ask: what makes a t-shirt "Christian"???