Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Today was DD2 day, as tmrw is her first day of school. In the morning, we got out the school supplies and checked off what we had against the list. Could not find the orange construction paper and drawing pencils, and was a bottle of glue short, so headed to Office Depot and Michael's. Then, the plan was, we were to go to Beyond Bounce. Cost: $8 plus pizza and drinks and snacks. We were going to hang out there until time for Open House at DD2's school down the street.
But no. On the way to Office Depot, DD2 says, "It's too bad I can't go to BuildA Bear or sumpin for my day."
And, since I try to be honest with my kids, I say, "Well, last year your sister went to BuildABear for her day. But if you do that, that's all we're going to do."
DD2: OK! Let's go to BuildABear!

Dang it.

So, we got the few remaining school supplies, went to Souper Salad for lunch (DD2's idea!) where a lady came up to me and commended me for my bravery. (I guess for going around bald or whatever.) I told her no one in their right mind would wear a wig in triple digit weather.
Then, we trekked to Memorial City Mall, where DD2 built a dinosaur. DD1 was under the impression she would get to build an animal as well, but I quickly disabused her of that notion.
They rode the carousel, and DD1 played in the dancing fountain outside the mall a few minutes, and then we went to the uniform store nearby, where I needed to exchange a couple of DD2's new uniforms.
And it was jam-packed with people. An hour wait to get served. No thank you!
Then we zipped over to the Open House, bringing along the 3 sacks of school supplies. DD2 got to meet a couple of her new classmates, which may have reconciled her to the lack of a guinea pig in the classroom.

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